Replica Hermes Picotin Lock Red Taurillon Clemence Leather Yellow Gold Hardware Women's Square Style Tote Bag
This majestic replica bag from Hermès is everything you need to instantly elevate your look. Be the epitome of glamour as you step out gracefully with this blue bag. It's packaged in a square barrel, with belt details and padlocks for a modern, minimalist look. This fake red Taurillon Clemence leather bag is found in the hands of celebrity actresses all over the world.
Availability: In stock
Color | Red |
Handbag Exterior | Red Taurillon Clemence Leather Imitated Picotin Bag With Yellow Gold Plated Hardware, Belt Strap With Key Lock Extends To Bottom, Double Flat Top Handles, Wide Base With Protective Feet. |
Gender | Women's |
Material | Taurillon Clemence |
Style | Street Fashion, Sweet Lady |
Texture | Metallic |
Handbag Closure | Pad Lock Closure |
Handbag Dimension | W22XH21XD18(cm) |
Handbag Interior | Leather Interior |
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